Scott Frazier




Meditation is a Powerful Tool

Surely this is not your first stop in trying to improve your life or yourself. Have you noticed how the things you’ve learned that have helped you, haven't sated your searching? You are here because you are still searching for something. How would you like to find the end of searching? Not the end of your life transforming and getting more and more amazing, but the end of that seeking, the searching that hasn’t yet gone away.

Meditation can end this searching by helping you see that the you who is seeking, is an illusion. That part of your experience isn’t the real you. It isn’t going to ever be sated. But by realizing that it is an illusion, and that the real you is much bigger, the seeking will end.

Again, this is not the end of your life getting better and better. Far from it. In fact once you really get and experience that the self you took yourself to be is an illusion, all the personal development, spiritual, and psychological stuff you’ve been working on will be easier to implement. There are lots of paradoxes and mystical things that will make a lot more sense once you see this truth about your mind and yourself.

What I offer is to guide you through seeing exactly how the illusory self is created. We’ll deconstruct it. You’ll see convincingly for yourself. And you’ll be able to test it directly until you believe it. This isn’t something you need to take on faith. In fact it is the complete opposite. Through meditation and some exercises, you will be able to see this truth for yourself. It will be all about your direct experience.

You’ll also directly experience what you really are beyond the illusion of the conventional self. We’ll talk a lot about how living from this bigger, truer you is like upgrading to a new operating system. Removing the illusory self doesn’t turn you into a vegetable, it actually empowers you to live a more boundless life, taking action from a wiser, more boundless part of you.

From there, I’ll work with you to move forward with your life with this new understanding. This foundational shift changes your life. It’s amazing really. It allows you to lose your reactivity and to begin living proactively while being true to your true path. Life enters a state of flow that was previously blocked by the conventional self.

Bottom line, you get to live the life you want and be free from the endless search for more. It’s amazing. I’d love to help you experience this.